Terms of Service
To give our clients a quality service fromtaxigironmallorca.com we present the following conditions:
1. If you want to reserve your service with us for 4 passengers, you must fill out our reservation form and you will receive it as soon as possible via email from us. response, confirming your trip.
To know if you have correctly received our confirmation you must respond to our message to confirm your reservation.
2. The reservation will be paid to the driver at the destination, we do not charge in advance to confirm your reservation. In the rate table you can consult the maximum closed price without surprises of your service including all supplements.
We do not charge the night rate or for it being a holiday, but we do charge an extra 5 euros for each bicycle. We have a closed trailer to transport your special luggage.
If your luggage has been lost or your plane is delayed, don’t worry because we know the status of your flight at all times and the rate will be the same.
3. El conductor le estará esperando cuando aterrice su avión en el Punto de Encuentro del hall de llegadas con un cartel que lleva su nombre, entre la Puerta C y la Salida número 4, nosotros estamos en contacto con el aeropuerto.
El tiempo máximo que esperamos a nuestros clientes es de 1 hora desde el aterrizaje de su vuelo, pasado ese tiempo, si ustedes nos avisan por perdida de equipaje o por otra causa les esperamos tanto tiempo como sea necesario, pero si no podemos ponernos en contacto con usted, trascurrida la hora, su reserva se cancelará automáticamente.
Si no encuentran a su conductor en el Punto de Encuentro llámenos al número +34 621 321 763 pero no salga de la terminal.
4. If you wish, you can book with us in the reservation form or directly with the driver for the return service to the airport, from any point in Mallorca except the Calviá area.
The driver will personally confirm the return trip and the most appropriate pick-up time for your flight time. From the airport we can take you to the Calviá area, but we cannot confirm the return trip because our license does not allow it.
In the price table you will see all the areas of Calviá indicated.
If you wish to cancel your return service to the airport, please let us know as soon as possible so we can organize it, as our base is located very close to the airport.
5. Todos nuestros taxis son para un máximo de 4 pasajeros, si son más de 4 tendrá que reservar 2 taxis.
Los niños y bebés cuentan como un pasajero adulto, ocupando una plaza.
Disponemos en nuestros taxis de asiento infantil adecuado para su edad y peso, sin coste extra para el cliente. Si lo necesita, indiquenóslo en el formulario de reserva.
6. At taxigironmallorca.com we protect your personal data and it will remain completely private and will be automatically deleted when the service ends.
7. We have a closed trailer for your special luggage (bicycles, surfboards, golf clubs); If you describe it to us as best as possible, we will try to help you.
8. Your taxi is booked directly without intermediaries. We do not work for agencies or tour operators, the treatment is direct.